Reiki Infused Adventure Retreat

Lima - Cusco - Sacred Valley

June 22-July 1 2024

Registration Closes January 31st, 2024

A retreat is not meant to escape life, it's a reminder for life not to escape you!

Give yourself and your loved ones the gift of a retreat away from the routine and embrace moments of self-discovery and relaxation as you step away from routine and enter the most magical and majestic place on Earth.

We've designed this journey thinking about YOU and Your loved ones within every single element. We are all different yet we seek a common path of connecting to our Sacred Selves. Our differences are recognized, accepted, and loved within a compassionate group.

Traveling to Peru with Mariposas Reiki Retreats offers a window to see and understand other truths and a mirror to know more about ourselves. Whether traveling solo or with your loved ones, our retreat is designed to help you recharge, rejuvenate, and gain a deeper understanding of yourself and the world around you.

Your Family-Friendly Yoga, Reiki, & Meditation Retreat!

We've created this family-friendly experience to bring you the magical healing power of Perú, their heritage, and healing gifts brought by local healers and sacred spaces.

Mariposas Reiki Retreats offers a customized blend of healing practices like Reiki, Yoga, Mindfulness, and Meditation in unique parts of the world. Our goal is to help you plug in more deeply to your sacred center and the magic of the world that we live in.

The Navel Of The World!

In the Quechua language, Cusco is the "navel of the world" as it was once the Empire City of the Incas. It is now the gateway to the Sacred Valley and Machu Picchu. It is now known as "Archaeological Capital of America."

Discover your all-inclusive healing journey below!


Day 1, June 22: Bienvenidos! Group arrives in Lima, Perú.

Yanapuma, our private local tour leaders, will meet you at the airport.

A private transfer will take participants to the hotel in Lima.

Optional activities are available for add-on.


Day 2, June 23: First Full Day Together!

Breakfast and meet and greet.

Morning Reiki-infused Yoga session in front of the ocean, led by Retreat Facilitators Paty and Libby.

Morning walk with Augusto around Lima, and a group lunch.

Free time.

Regroup for a Lima Dining Experience full of culture and flavor.

Evening meditation and group reflection, led by Retreat Facilitators Paty and Libby.


Day 3, June 24: Yanapumas Perú Educational Project.

Start your day with Reiki-infused Meditation, led by Retreat Facilitators Paty and Libby.

Visit a Pucusana fishing village and ride in a boat to observe marine wildlife, followed by a reiki-infused yoga class with local kids, led by Retreat Facilitators Paty and Libby.


The group eats a homemade lunch in Casa Yanapumas.

We'll complete a community service project.

Return to Lima for a group dinner.

Evening meditation and group reflection, led by Retreat Facilitators Paty and Libby.


Day 4, June 25: Cusco!

We'll take a domestic flight to Cusco, the Sacred Valley!

While en route to the hotel by bus, we will visit the Sacsayhamán site and experience a Reiki infused meditation within the sacred site, led by Retreat Facilitators Libby and Paty.

Time on your own for shopping opportunity in Pisac market. Group lunch in town.

Dinner at the hotel.

Evening bonfire, meditation, and reflection led by Retreat Facilitators Paty and Libby.


Day 5, June 26: Sacred Valley of The Incas and Cultural Immersion

Morning Reiki-infused Yoga with Libby and Paty, then pack our bags to visit an Andean community in the Sacred Valley mountains.

Offering to Pachamama (Mother Earth) and lunch with local families.


Return to the hotel and enjoy time on your own to reflect.

Optional activities will be available.

Group dinner in the hotel.

Evening Mariposas Dance and Reiki, led by Retreat Facilitators Paty and Libby.


Day 6, June 27: Perolniyok Waterfall Ceremony

Group yoga in our hotel with Libby and Paty. Hotel check-out.

Morning nature excursion and hike to Perolniyok waterfall.

Flower bath ritual facilitated by locals.

Outdoor group picnic with Reiki blessing.


Afternoon guided visit to Ollantaytambo site and town.

Shopping opportunity and time on your own.

Evening Reiki-Infused Meditation and Reflection, led by Retreat Facilitators Paty and Libby.


Day 7, June 28: Full day at Machu Picchu.

Train ride to Machu Picchu's town.

Explore and have lunch.

Guided visit with local tour leaders Nilton and Augusto to Machu Picchu, UNESCO World Heritage Site to see the amazing engineering and architectural skills of the Incan Empire.

The indigenous Quechua people believe that Macchu Pichu is a powerful energy center!! We'll connect with this sacred place via a guided group meditation led by Libby and Paty.


Train back to Sacred Valley, time alone, then reunite for group dinner.

Evening Restorative Yoga and Reiki Circle, led by Retreat Facilitators Paty and Libby.


Day 8, June 29: Salt ponds of Maras, Moray, and Chinchero.

Morning Reiki-infused Yoga session, led by Retreat Facilitators Paty and Libby.

Leave to Cusco and while en route, stope and visit the salt ponds.

Group lunch in Tiobamba in front of the Vilcanota mountain range.


Afternoon meditation in Chinchero archaeological site, led by Retreat Facilitators Paty and Libby.

Time on your own and shopping opportunities.

Check into hotel in Cusco.

Evening meditation and reflection, led by Retreat Facilitators Paty and Libby.


Day 9, June 30: Free day in Cusco.

Morning Reiki-infused Yoga session, led by Retreat Facilitators Libby and Paty.

Enjoy a full free day in Cusco city on your own.

Optional excursions and experiences are offered.

Farewell group dinner with cocktails and juices while listening to live music!


Day 10, July 1:

Morning Closing Ceremony, led by Retreat Facilitators Paty and Libby.

Return flight to Lima, then home.

Travelers may stay in Lima or fly home on this day.


Our retreat has been carefully curated to offer you a unique blend of Reiki, meditation, and yoga, plus sacred rituals.

Experience unique opportunities for cultural Immersion and respectful interaction with the local population and explore Perú off the beaten path.

When you join us in Perú, you'll have the opportunity to tap into the transformative power of this unique energetic vortex, explore the magic of our surroundings, and gain a new perspective on life.

What's Included!!

  • 10 Days and 9 Nights of accommodations

  • All meals from Breakfast on Day 2 to Breakfast on Day 10

    From family -style in rural villages to quality restaurants

  • All internal transport:

    Train tickets

    In-Country Flights

    Shuttles to All Planned Activities

  • Daily Yoga

  • Reiki-Infused Group Meditations

  • JourneyDance

  • Reiki Circles

  • Entrance to All Planned Attractions

  • Sacred Ceremonies with Local Spiritual Leaders

  • Dedicated Bi-Lingual Local Tour Guides

  • Transformational Experience

  • Fantastic Memories!!

What's Not Included

  • International Air Travel

  • Excess baggage charges

  • Trip Protection Insurance

  • Meals on Day 1

  • Extra Tours/Excursions/Park Visits

  • Shopping

  • Departure Taxes

  • Visa Fees

  • Tips and Gratuities

Last Day to Register is January 31st, 2024

Last Day to Register is January 31st, 2024

Payment Options

Prices below include all the above. When you register, you'll receive an email with your confirmation within 48 hours, along with forms to complete.

If you've opted for a payment plan then you'll receive information about that in the email as well.

Private Individual Room

Indulge yourself and settle into a private room in every location we stay at.


Payment Plans Available

Shared Room

Share a room but not a bed. This option is available for single travelers or friends who want to room together. Children can stay with at least one adult in a bed. Must ensure the other adult in the room approves.

Children 3 and under are free. Child cost is for children 3-9. Children 10 and up are considered adults.



Family Room

Reserve a private room for you and your child. You have the option to snuggle up with your favorite person in a big and comfy bed or each have your own bed.

Children 3 and under are free. Child cost is for children 3-9. Children 10 and up are considered adults.

Adult: $7024

Child in a Shared Bed: $1,350.00

Child In a Separate Bed:


Deposit: $ 1,157.00.

Last Day to Register is January 31st, 2024

At Mariposas Reiki Retreats, our goal is to create a sacred space where healing and transformation can occur through universal consciousness. In each and every retreat, be it local or international, our intention is to show how simple it is to harness spiritual tools of healing.

We've thought about every single element of our journey and created the ideal combination to help you connect with the vibrant energy within and around you.

From the stunning surroundings to the personalized experiences, every detail is designed to help you reconnect with yourself and your loved ones.

Meet Your Retreat Facilitators

Your compassionate team has crafted an experience that celebrates our differences while uniting us with a common goal: embracing life's beauty.

Libby Creagh

Libby has been sharing and practicing yoga, Meditation, and Reiki for more than 20 years. With one foot in the world of yoga and the other firmly rooted in science, Libby uses evidence-based practices that work to create lasting transformation.

With more than 4,000 hours spent working with groups and individuals, Libby is a highly experienced instructor and skilled at identifying which tools from yoga, Reiki, and meditation will help to bring greater peace and balance to each individual.

Libby specializes in working with people in high-stress situations and those who have Cancer or autoimmune disorders.

She is currently working towards completion of her Yoga Therapist certification.

In addition to holding a degree in Social Work, Libby is an Usui and Karuna-Ki Reiki Master Teacher and E-RYT500 Yoga Teacher.

Paty 'Mariposa' Hernandez

Paty has been a social worker for over 20 years, offering people mental health support from challenges related to trauma, anxiety, or depression. For over 10 years, she's added complementary therapies such as Reiki, sound, and color healing to assist in releasing blocked energy from the body. She's a Certified Health Coach focused on stress and trauma.

Her love of helping others and traveling came at an early age. It's now part of her mission to share both loves in all that she does. One of her favorite techniques is Reiki because it can be practiced anywhere and anytime. It helps you connect to Spirit in a beautiful way.

Paty is a Usui Reiki Master Teacher, LCSW, CHC, and Trauma Practitioner, and owner of Mariposas Holistic Healing specializing in stress reduction & holistic health coaching.

Yanapumas Land

Our Dedicated Local Tour Leaders

Augusto Lescano- Local Tour Guide

Augusto has workeds in the traveling industry since 2001.

He started as a tropical fauna Birdwatcher and trained to become a naturalist guide-interpreter at Rainforest Expeditions in the Tambopata area while guiding at the National Reserve of Manu.

Experienced Biology and Tourism consultant, Augusto has done native community coordination, tour development, design, and supervision.

Since 2004, Augusto has worked for some of the most prestigious educational tour companies, such as EF, Pure Peru and Pachamama Adventures.

He’s an experienced leader for both Southern and Northern Peru circuits.

He has completed his master's studies in Ecotourism for Universidad Agraria La Molina.

When he's not leading groups in life-changing adventures, you can find Augusto bodyboarding, out in nature, rocking out on guitar in his rock band.

Nilton Bedriñana Espinoza - Local Tour Guide

Nilton considers himself an "Interpreter of the natural and cultural heritage of Perú".

He has always loved to do more than expected as a tour guide, using different creative resources, talks and reflections, interacting with local people and visitors and knowing their stories.

Nilton is passionate in sharing personalized stories of life and the history of Peru. 

One of his life's highlights was working in the Amazon rainforest of Perú, where he learned from the best and developed his nature interpreter skills. 

Nilton is motivated to know that he can play a positive model in younger generations from the world and Perú.

Nowadays, based on his decade of experience working as a Tour Director with EF, Nilton is dedicated to his work on a social and educational project in one vulnerable community in the southern coast of Perú with the hope of fostering quality education and reduction of social and gender inequalities among kids and teenagers from Perú. 

Last but not least, he is a man who is always in search of personal growth as a more conscious, empathic, and confident human being. 

What Previous Retreat Participants Have Said

Don't take our word that our adventure retreat is worth every penny. Read on what other participants have shared.

“I appreciated the flow, open space for choice, and down time, space for transition and collective activities – beautiful balance ladies. The agenda felt self-care infused, well structured, and balanced with love.” - B

All reservations are non-refundable but are transferable to another person.

This is a smoke-free and drug-free environment. Please do not bring or use illegal drugs, tobacco, firearms or weapons on retreat.

All Rights Reserved. 2023 Mariposas Reiki Retreats

305 680-5923